Pre-K & Kindergarten



Pre-K 3s

There is no formal teaching of pinyin or characters in Pre-K 3s. Children are taught to express themselves in Chinese through nursery rhymes and pictures. During the 2 ½ hours of class time, children are engaged through crafts, drawing, story time and outdoor time.





Pre-K 4s

The goal is to give the students a basic understanding and appreciation of the Chinese culture and language through a variety of classroom activities which, in turn, help student to improve their language skills.

Through nursery rhymes, stories and classical poems, students are taught basic Chinese consonant/vowel combination in preparation for pinyin learning in Kindergarten. Students are encouraged to take the lead in learning through games, sound mimicking and story-telling.


学前大班教授拼音和汉字。三课时中,老师通过多媒体/字卡/show and tell/分组阅读/手工/室内室外游戏等多种教学形式达到教学目标,力求寓教于乐。通过一年的学习,学生们在系统掌握汉语拼音的拼读规则后,能认读汉字,完成200-300字的小故事阅读;能听懂较复杂的中文对话和看懂简单的中文小短片,会用中文提问,并清楚地表达自己的想法;能掌握100- 120个常用汉字及词汇;会背诵简单的唐诗和儿歌;能正确书写汉字的基本笔画。


Both pinyin and Chinese characters will be taught in Kindergarten class. By the end of the school year, students are expected to be comfortable with the pinyin system, be able to recognize up to 100-120 characters; be able to read short passages; be able to recite short poems and write characters with correct sequence of strokes. During the 3 hours of class time, students are engaged by show and tell, word recognition, reading, crafts, games and outside time.


学前小班/学前中班课时: 9:30am-12:00pm (2 1/2 小时)‍

学前大班课时:9:30am-12:30pm (3 小时)

Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms are furnished with child-size furniture and floor mats. Students stay with one teacher and remain in the same classroom for the entire school day.

Pre-K Hours:  9:30am-12:00pm  (2 1/2 hours)

Kindergarten Hours:  9:30am-12:30pm (3 hours)

Class Age Requirement When Entering
学前小班 Pre-K3s children born on or before 12/31/2018
学前中班 Pre-K4s children born on or before 12/31/2017
学前大班 Kindergarten children born on or before 12/31/2016