New Culture Classes

理财入门大班  Financial Literacy Sr.

老师: 郭清 Instructor: Stephanie Guo

Financial Literacy class is recommended for 6-12 grade. Subject will include basic Financial concepts – Banking, Debt/ Credit, Tax, Insurance; Budgeting; Financial Planning, Paying for College; Investment Basic.

Ms. Guo has a Master’s degree in Urban Planning. Ms. Guo has over 25 years of investment strategy and financial risk management experiences at some of America’s top investment firms. She is currently Vice President at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management.

Materials will be age appropriate and including a real time stock trading simulator for more interactive activities

功夫小班/大班 Kung Fu Jr./Sr.

Instructor: Alex Lamas

课程及老师信息请点击链接: Kung Fu Sifu Alex Lamas

高阶摄影课大班 Photography Sr.

老师:许闯 Intructor: Chuang Xu

许老师89年在上海同济建筑系毕业,来美后在Pratt Institute 室内设计专业深造,现在纽约WB Wood 公司担任创意总监。他从小喜欢摄影,可以说相机常年陪伴他走遍天下。他的课将由浅入深,从摄影常识介绍到专业摄影技巧,如风光和人像摄影,也会在教学中加入美术历史知识,组织室内外field trips,课堂作品讨论,让每个学生都成为摄影爱好者和实践者,丰富今后的生活和学习!

器具要求:每个学生要准备一台单反相机SLR Camera

新加坡高阶数学大班  Singapore Math Challenge Sr.

老师:陈文盈 Instructor: Erica Chen

Ms. Chen is currently a high school math teacher with more than fourteen years of teaching experience at public high schools. In addition, she was one of the outstanding STEM master teachers for Math for America (MfA) from 2014 to 2018.  Ms. Chen has taught various math courses: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Statistics, Pre-Calculus and SAT math. She is an expert in her content area, is a master in the craft of teaching, and has a deep understanding of her students.

Math is the most important subject because it supports the development of critical and logical thinking, and provides students an effective power to analyze, describe, and change things. Moreover, math can be applied in each aspect of life. The Singapore math method is a highly effective teaching approach originally developed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education in the 1980s for Singapore public schools. The model method of Singapore math is in which the students learn to represent the information of the problems with the number bonds, bar modeling and other visual tools to arrive at the method of the solution. Singapore Math Challenge will provide fourth to sixth grade students with skill-building practice based on the leading math program in the world, Singapore Math. Common Core Standards accelerate math expectations for all students, creating a need for challenging supplementary math practice. Singapore Math Challenge is the ideal solution, with problems, puzzles, and brainteasers that strengthen mathematical thinking. Sign up for my class to help your young learners to build a strong mathematical foundation and ongoing success for your children.

演讲大班  Speech Sr.

老师:张岚 Instructor: Iris Zhang


成人美术色彩绘画班 Acrylic Painting for Adult

老师:Lily Liu Instructor: Lily Liu

成人美术色彩绘画,主要包括水彩,丙烯, 油画棒和彩铅。欢迎爱美术的家长们来和课上,以画会友。

Lily Liu 老师在美加从事成人及儿童绘画教学,绘图设计20余年,政府及社区多项文艺活动的舞台设计,平面设计。  擅长运用多种绘画材料和多种绘画风格的教学,来提升学生艺术修养,挖掘艺术天赋。