再次感谢广大家长们这一年来克服前所未有的困难,一如既往地支持华夏纽约中心学校和我们共同的社区!祝大家健康平安,期待在不远的将来,我们重聚 WCC校园!

- 9/13 是开学第一天
- 9/12 领取马立平和美洲华语教科书 (时间地点见 eNews)
- 9/12 全校家长大会 (Zoom)
- 学费大幅度降低
- 朋友推荐新家庭各享受$50优惠
- 第三个孩子享受$60优惠
- 新增更多精品文化课
- 所有中文课和文化课仍在周日上午上课
- 成人课程改在非周末晚上上课
- 拳击散打和跆拳道课需在学校网站“精武门学院课程”页面注册及付费
- 为保障足够课间时间,10:30 及 11:30 开始的课程将从10:45 及11:45 开始
All classes Will be Conducted Remotely via Zoom for Fall Semester of 2020
- First Day of School is 9/13
- Textbook pick-up on Saturday, 9/12 (Details are included in eNews)
- All Parents Meeting via Zoom, Saturday, 9/12
- Tuition is reduced for all classes
- Friend Referral Credit of $50 for both referrer and referred
- $60 discount for 3rd and subsequent siblings
- Many new culture classes are offered
- All Chinese class and culture classes are still held Sunday mornings
- All parent classes are held weekday evenings
- For Boxing & Sanda and Taekwondo classes, please go to “精武门学院课程” tab to enroll and pay
- For better transition between Zoom classes, classes that start at 10:30 and 11:30 will start at 10:45 and 11:45 respectively