家长会 Parent-Teacher Conference

秋季家长会将于本周日 (10/20) 分班举行。请家长们前来和中文课老师会面,以了解孩子的学习情况并给予反馈。请注意有些班级的家长会不在平常上课的教室。点击此处查阅家长会时间和地点

Parent-Teacher Conference
Chinese language class teachers will hold Parent-Teacher Conference this Sunday (10/20). This is a great opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher and to share your thoughts. Please note that many conferences are NOT held in your child’s classroom. Click here for conference time and location.

Support Our School


We are kicking off the 2019 Sponsorship campaign. Once again, we are asking you to reach out to organizations or individuals in your community to become our sponsors through placing advertisements or participating in our events. For 2019 Sponsorship Program information, please click here. Thank you for your support!

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