(一) 基本 DSLR (单反相机) 摄影技术
(二) Special Topics:
1) 如何像专业摄影师一样拍照人相和风景
2) 如何利用 apps 事先做好摄像定位
3) Know all the bells and whistles of your camera (Canon, Nikon and Sony)
4) 灯光和对焦的艺术
5) 运动照相等等
Photography Class
The school is offering a spring semester photography class jointly taught by John Sun and Jason Zhu. The class has 10 one-hour sessions and will cover basic photography techniques as well as advanced topics including portrait, landscape and sports photography. If interested, please click here to register.
Duration: 10 Sundays, 3/10-6/2
Tuition: $160
Time: 10:30-11:30
Location: AAB 512, Westchester Community College
Disclaimer: Due to time constraints and varying student abilities and interests, the class may or may not complete all the topics in the syllabus.