New Board Directors Elected

On Sunday, May 31, Lan Feng, Yuxiang Luo and Chenyin Zhong were elected to be the Directors of Board of HXNYC. Each candidate made a presentation via Zoom to members and answered their questions. Members cast their ballots electronically. The Election Committee would like to congratulate all three candidates.

华夏纽约中心学校 2020 远程夏令营

暑假来了,学校放假了,预定的 summer camp 取消了,怎么办?

日期:6/29 – 8/21(共8周)

Session 1 (一期):6/29 – 7/24(4周)

Session 2 (二期):7/27 – 8/21(4周)




学术课程包括数学和科学 Olympiad,Scratch,  Python, 机器人编程、英文写作等;注重学术性和实用性。



中文课程 才艺课程

学术课程 成人课程


3)报名一周内申请退费,学费 80%退还(以注册表报名日期为准)。
4)开学一周后申请退费,学费 50%退还,两周后学费恕不退费。
7) 如果学生有不尊重他人或搅乱课堂政策进行的言行,老师有权让该学生离开教室,这种情况学费一概不退。
8) 注册时,家长需要签署安全免责申明。
10)注册和 PayPal 付费必须用同一个 email 并务必在下栏中注明:
a) 家长姓名
b) 注册及付费使用的 email
c) 注册学生的姓名
d) 付费数目如果工作人员无法核实注册学生已否付费,注册将自动取消。

Board Election is Tomorrow, May 31 | Please Vote!

HXNYC Board Election is tomorrow, May 31. The Election Committee urges all members to vote! 

All three candidates have been volunteering for the school in various capacities over many years. Please see their qualifications in their personal statements:  Lan FengYuxiang Luo and  Chenyin Zhong. If elected, they will serve a two-year term ending in July 2022.

Candidate Presentations via ZOOM: 11:00-11:30AM (including Q&A)

Voting via Google Form: 10:00AM – 9:00PM 

Candidate presentation meeting ID/PW and Google form link will be sent to parents through email. 

Each parent has ONE BALLOT. A two-parent family, therefore, has TWO BALLOTS. Each ballot entitles the parent to vote for up to three candidates. There are three vacant positions on the HXNYC Board of Directors this year.

We urge you to please vote for ALL THREE candidates on the ballot to ensure there is no vacancy on the board.

Please vote on May 31. Thank you!

HXNYC Election Committee

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