2019 华夏纽约中心学校春节联欢会 | 专业杂技艺术团首次在我校演出
爆竹一声除旧岁 华夏纽约迎猪年。一年一度最喜庆的日子即将到来。家长会已经开始为春节联欢会做着各种准备。除了传统的狮舞和各班级的表演,保留节目包括传统手工、写对联、全家福拍照、摸倒福、甜点义卖、画脸及抽奖等活动。今年,我们首次请到了专业杂技艺术团为大家表演精彩节目。让我们欢聚一堂,共庆佳节。
Celebration of “Year of the Pig”
Our annual Chinese New Year Celebration is fast approaching! PTA is already planning for the biggest celebration party of the year. In additional to performances by students, teachers and parents, there will be the lion dance, family portrait, crafts & calligraphy, face painting, bake sale and raffle. For the first time, professional acrobats will perform at the party. Please join us and bring family and friends.
Date: Sunday, February 10
Place:12:30-1:30PM Lunch at Student Center | 1:30-4:30PM Activity & Performance at AAB Theatre
Westchester Community College, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595