Parents-on-Duty (POD) 2022-2023 Policy #4


HXNYC是一个非盈利机构。学校的安全秩序需要依靠全体家长共同维护。我们现阶段采取了以下的POD (Parents-on-Duty) 家长值班规则和流程。注册时每个家庭收取 $30 POD押金, 如果没有履行POD职责,POD押金将不会被退还。


1) 9:15 ‐ 9:45 的登记 (check in) 测体温

2)  9:45 ‐ 12:30在教学楼值班。

值班家长请在9:15以前倒校,先去 AAB111学校办公室报到,在办公室门口的 POD sign-in sheet 上选一个登记点和值班点,签上学生名字和班级(家里有多个学生的请签上当天POD 报名的班级和学生名字,以便工作人员查对),并用手机拍下 sign-in sheet 上的紧急联系电话,然后领取以下物品。去选定的值班点一直驻守到 12:30 学校放学。职责包括维持秩序,协助老师,报告异常情况等等。之后请将额温枪和马甲归还 AAB111办公室。

1. 一个额温枪,

2. 一张打印的家长登记(check in)用的二维码

3. 一件橙色马甲

9:15 ‐ 9:45我们在 WCC 的两栋教学楼 CLA 和 AAB 的四个入口处设立登记点,分别是:

CLA 北门 – 两人

CLA 西门 – 两人

AAB 南门 – 两人

AAB东门 – 一人

值班家长负责测进入教学楼的每个人的体温,高出 100F 的谢绝进入教学楼。另外提醒每个家长登记(check in)个人信息。

9:45 ‐ 12:30. 我们在 CLA 和 AAB 楼内指定了 7 个 POD 值班点,每次学校上课时间需要有值班家长全程驻守,总共 30 周,需要 210 位人次的值班家长。

POD 报名:


POD 信息查对与共享: Google Sheet

我们会把 POD 的安排与完成情况以及所有班级的名单都整合在一个 Google Sheet 里。安全小组成员可以进行编辑,家长代表们可以查看,如果发现有错误或是需要更改,请通过家长代表微信群或是 Email 联系安全小组成员进行操作。




Parents-on-Duty (POD) Operating Procedures

Huaxia New York Central Chinese School (HXNYC) is a non-profit organization run entirely by volunteers. We rely on parents to share the responsibility of keeping the school safe and orderly.

Each year, all parents are required to perform mandatory Parents-on-Duty (POD) at least once. POD parents are stationed near and around classrooms in AAB and CLA buildings to assist teachers and students and to maintain order.

How POD Works:

  • Every school year, each parent will be required to perform POD one time for each child who is enrolled in the school. (You need to perform POD one time if you have one child at school, two times if you have two children at school, etc.)
  • you may sign-up Parents-on-Duty (POD) directly via this link.
  • A $30 POD deposit per family is automatically charged to your account when you register for the school year. If you fail to perform POD, your deposit will be forfeited. If you fulfill your POD duties, the deposit will be credited to your account and rolled over to the following school year.
  • If you are unable to perform your POD duty on the date(s) you signed-up, you may swap the dates with other parents or ask someone to cover for you.

Rules & Responsibilities of the POD Parents:

  • Sign in promptly before 9:15am at the school office (AAB 111).
  • Pick up a thermometer, a check in bar code, and an orange vest from the office. Please wear the vest during the entire school day.
  • Go to the location you signed for and stay at the same location until 12:30 pm. You may not leave your post until school is over.
  • 9:15 – 9:45 at the CLA and AAB entrances
    • PODs and school Safety Committee members will check the temperatures of everyone entering school buildings.
    • Anyone with a temperature of 100 degrees F or higher will be turned away from entering the building and his/her name and temperature will be recorded.
    • Remind parents and TA to check in using the bar code if they have not yet done so.
  • 9:45 – 12:30 at your POD Post
    • Be alert and try to keep the hallway quiet
    • Assist teachers with safety issues upon request.
    • When classes are in recess, please try to patrol the hallways, classrooms, stairs, and bathrooms to make sure no children are engaged in any dangerous or disruptive activities, such as chasing each other, climbing onto window ledges or onto staircase railings, breaking into vending machines, playing with multi-media equipment, making loud noises, etc.
    • Contact school safety team or WCC security staff if any unexpected issues develop.
    • Return the vest and sign out at the school office when school is dismissed.

Important Reminder:

The Safety & Discipline Committee will work with class parents to remind you of your upcoming POD assignments. However, it’s your responsibility to check and fulfill the POD you signed up for. If for any reason, you cannot make it on the scheduled date, please get in touch with your class parent ASAP and try to find another parent to cover for you.

Safety Vice Principals

Angran Xiao

Cheng Liu