2019-2020 课程及老师信息

中文课今年增加了学前中班(二班)、马立平三年级(二班)和马立平九年级。文化课增添了手工小班、围棋小班、功夫小班、成语谜语大班、Python 大班、Software App大班和  Video Editing 大班。

点击此处阅览 2019-2020 所有课程
点击此处查看 2019-2020 中文老师简介
点击此处查看 2019-2020 新文化课介绍

We have added extra sections of PreK 4 and MLP Grade 3, MLP Grade 8 to our Chinese class offerings. We have added the following culture classes: Crafts Jr., Go Jr., Kung Fu Jr., Chinese Proverbs & Riddles Sr., Intro to Python Sr., Software App. Sr.and Vedio Editing+ Sr.

Click here for 2019-2020 Class List
Click here for Chinese Class Teacher Bios
Click here for 2019-2020 New Culture Classes

Candidates for Board of Directors Nominated and Approved

The Election Committee is pleased to announce the following candidates for the open positions on the Board of Directors: Vivian Lou, Xiaoping TangJianqun Wang and Li Zhu. You may read their personal statements by clicking on their names.

On behalf of the entire school community, the Election Committee wishes to express its sincere gratitude to the candidates for their willingness to serve in these important and demanding positions. On Election Day, Sunday, June 2nd, 2019, candidates will make presentations to all members. Your vote is important. Please vote!

HXNYC Election Committee

Save the Date: 开放日 Open House Sunday, 5/19


The school will hold its first Open House of 2019 on Sunday, May 19th. All classes and facilities are open to prospective parents and students. Please visit us between 10:30am and 12:30pm. Our volunteers will assist you in touring the school and answer your questions.

Date:  Sunday, May 19th
Time: 10:30am-12:30pm
Place: CLA Lobby

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