School Canceled this Sunday

本周日(2/9/2020)中文学校继续停课。春节联欢会暂时延期到 3/22/2020。5/10/2020 (原 Snow Make-up Day) 正常上课。谢谢大家的理解和支持。

The Chinese school will cancel all classes again this coming Sunday, 2/9/2020. The Chinese New Year Celebration Party is rescheduled to 3/22/2020. 5/10/2020 (orig. Snow Make-up Day) is now a regular school day. Thank you for your understanding and support.

School Canceled this Sunday


Given that the coronavirus outbreak is still developing, the Chinese school will cancel all classes again this coming Sunday, 2/2/2020. In order to complete teaching plans for the year, the Chinese language teachers will offer instructions online. We will assess the benefit and risk of resuming school on a week by week basis. Thank you for your understanding and support.

No School this Sunday – Coronavirus Concern


School will close this Sunday
Due to health risks posed by the current coronavirus outbreak, school will close this Sunday (1/26/2020). The school will provide updates regarding future classes and activities as it receives new information. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!

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