Bing Dang Reappointed as Principal

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Bing Dang is appointed for a second term as the 2020-2021 Principal of Huaxia New York Central Chinese School.

Principal Bing Dang led the school through one of the most challenging times in the school’s history. He helped the school adapt to the fast-changing pandemic by quickly training teachers to use remote learning tools. He also contributed to the fundraising effort to help the healthcare workers.

The Board feels confident that Bing will continue to lead the school effectively. The Board thanks Bing Dang for his service and his willingness to lead the school in the coming year.

Board of Directors


本周日 (4/12) 是复活节,中文学校放假。祝大家健康平安。

No classes (including remote classes) this Sunday (4/12) in observance of Easter Sunday. Please stay healthy and safe.

鉴于疫情的发展,原计划的公开董事会将不对家长开放。校长党兵将作为 2020-2021校长候选人向董事会提出申请连任。

Due to the Corvid-19 pandemic, the scheduled open board meeting will not be open to the parents. Principal Bing Dang will make a presentation in support of his 2020-2021 Principal candidacy at the closed board meeting.

The Word Quiz which was scheduled for 5/3/2020 is canceled.

Distance Learning through April 30

鉴于疫情变化,学校远程授课将继续到四月底。4/12 复活节照常放假。感谢全体师生在非常时期的大力支持和配合。


Owing to the Corvid-19 pandemic, the school will continue remote learning through end of April. There is no school on 4/12 in observance of Easter Sunday.

The school would like to thank all the teachers and parents for their support during this trying time.

Please stay healthy and safe.

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