本周日(10/27) 是学校一年一度的万圣节游行。所有班级12:15下课。请所有学生12:30 按班级在CLA楼正门前集合出发。PTA准备了充足的糖果、甜点和饮料。请孩子们、爸爸妈妈和老师们都穿上你们精彩的服装前来参加。
This Sunday is our annual Halloween Parade. Classes will dismiss at 12:15 and the parade will start promptly at 12:30 in front of the CLA building. PTA has prepared plenty of treats, munchkins and cider. Please don your best costumes and join the parade.
Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 12:30pm
Starting Place: In front of CLA Building