赞助讲座: 资产配置管理和大学助学金


David Che is a financial adviser at Transamerica. Prior to working at Transamerica. Mr. Che was an Associate Professor at Department of Pathology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

地点:CLA 200


春季摄影课 Photography Class


(一) 基本 DSLR (单反相机) 摄影技术
(二) Special Topics:
1) 如何像专业摄影师一样拍照人相和风景
2) 如何利用 apps 事先做好摄像定位
3) Know all the bells and whistles of your camera (Canon, Nikon and Sony)
4) 灯光和对焦的艺术
5) 运动照相等等


Photography Class
The school is offering a spring semester photography class jointly taught by John Sun and Jason Zhu. The class has 10 one-hour sessions and will cover basic photography techniques as well as advanced topics including portrait, landscape and sports photography. If interested, please click here to register.

Duration: 10 Sundays, 3/10-6/2
Tuition: $160
Time: 10:30-11:30
Location: AAB 512, Westchester Community College

Disclaimer: Due to time constraints and varying student abilities and interests, the class may or may not complete all the topics in the syllabus.

赞助讲座: 新税法改革下的2019年报税季如何省税

• 新税法改革后您是会多交税还是少交税呢?
• 什么样的家庭会由itemize deduction 变成standard deduction?
• 新税法下您的孩子和房子还能像以往一样帮您减税吗?
• 州税是否也和联邦税一样有重大变革?
• C型公司税率降低后会让您的公司省税还是多交税?
• 拥有合伙制企业和 S corp 的企业主,20% QBI 减税制度如何正确使用才能够真正让您省税?
• 在新税法下面公司的报税形式是否需要做出相应的改变以享受新税法改革的优惠?


乐艳林(Elaine)简介 – 美国纽约州注册会计师,来自中国湖南。本科毕业于西安电子科技大学经济管理 学院信息管理与信息系统专业。硕士毕业于纽约皇后大学(City University of New York-Queens College )会计专业。读更多。。。

讲座时间:10-11:30, 2/24/2019
讲座地点:CLA 200


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