Back to School!

本周日 (9/8) 是开学第一天,欢迎新老师生重返校园。以下是开学注意事项:

  • 还未注册的家长,请立即去网站 注册。
  • 学费及注册须知
  • 新家长:学校地址:Westchester Community College, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595;上课时间:9:30am-12:30pm;请将车辆停在4号停车场。WCC校园地图
  • 教室安排;鉴于是开学第一天,请家长(尤其是低年级家长)领孩子去教室。
  • 书和作业本一律由老师发给已付学费的学生。交费后请凭收条去 AAB 116 取书。
  • 学前班的家长,请给孩子准备小食品。
  • 付学费、转班或试听家长,请到CLA前厅办理。请尽量用支票支付学费。
  • 如有任何疑问,请电邮注册部咨询部或打电话到 (914) 768-8686
  • 2019-2020 学年校历 

Welcome back! School starts this Sunday, 9/8. Here are some reminders: 

  • Please go to to register if you haven’t done so.
  • Tuition and Registration Policy
  • School hours are 9:30am-12:30pm
  • School Location: Westchester Community College, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595
  • Please use Parking #4; click here for the WCC campus map
  • Click here for Class Locations. Since it is the first day of school, we strongly recommend you walk your children to all their classes.
  • Textbooks will be distributed only to students who have paid tuition in full. Textbooks may be picked up in AAB 116 upon payment receipt. 
  • Parents of pre-K and K students, please prepare a snack for your child.
  • For tuition payment, class transfer or class auditing, please go to CLA lobby.
  • If you have any questions, please write to or call (914) 768-8686. For registration related questions, please write to
  • Click here for 2019-2020 School Calendar

开放日 Open House, Saturday, 9/7

中文学校 9月8日开学。9月7日是开放日。开放日包括课程介绍、教材展示、校园参观及现场注册。欢迎有学龄孩子的家庭前来参观。

First Day of School is 9/8. The school will hold its fall Open House on Saturday, 9/7. Please visit us between 2pm and 4pm. Our volunteers will assist you in touring the school and answer your questions.

Date: Saturday, 9/7
Time: 2-4PM
Place: CLA Lobby, Westchester Community College, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595

Register Before July 7th and Save

• 7月7日以前注册并付学费的学生可享受 $50优惠。
• 由我校学生家长介绍的新生,介绍人和新生均可享受 $50优惠。
• 从第三个孩子起,每个孩子减收$60学费
• 点击此处阅读 2019-2020 注册须知
• 已在学校的家庭,请直接点击此处进入注册系统注册。
• 新家庭则需先在注册系统里设立家庭账号后才能注册。请点击此处建立新帐号。如有问题,请电邮
• 请尽量用支票支付学费,可为学校节省手续费。

• Early Bird Discount of $50 will apply if tuition payment is received before July 7, 2019
• Friend Referral Credit of $50 will be given to both referrer and referred
• Discount of $60 for third and subsequent siblings
• Click here for 2019-2020 Registration Policy
• For returning families, please log into the registration system to register
• For new families, please click here to create an account before registering for classes. Please send your inquiries to:
• We recommend paying by check. This will save school transaction fees

Click here for 2019-2020 Class List
Click here for Chinese Class Teacher Bios
Click here for 2019-2020 New Culture Classes

Click here for 2019-2020 HXNYC School Calendar

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