认字比赛报名截止日期: 4/28 Word Quiz Sign-up Deadline: 4/28

第二届 “认字比赛” 报名截止日马上就要到了,有意参加者请尽快报名。 预赛将于五月五日举行,决赛六月二日举行。具体比赛时间和教室将另行通知。比赛范围: 认字范围以本学年学过的生字/词语为主,加上少量以前学过和少量本学年没有学过的字词。报名请点击此处

The preliminary round of the 2nd Word Quiz will be held on 5/5. It is open to all students from Grade 1 through Grade 5. Most characters and phrases in the quiz come from lessons covered by the teachers. The vocabulary list will be provided in advance by the teachers. The final round will be held on 6/2. To sign-up, please click here.

Open Board Positions

Four positions on the HXNYC Board of Directors are open for the 2019-2021 school years. Each position is a 2-year term. School members in good standing are eligible to run for the positions subject to the Election Committee’s verification. The Election Committee consists of 5 PTA members or their designees.

Candidates must submit a written petition to the HXNYC Election Committee with (supporting) signatures of 10 Voting Members by May 12, 2019. The Election Committee will prepare and publish the list of candidates three weeks after the announcement of the open positions.

Candidates are required to make a presentation to all school members on Election Day, June 2, 2019. Previous experience in serving the school is desired. Candidates should disclose outside directorship at other organization(s).

Board of Directors

2019-2020 Principal Appointed

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Bing Dang as the principal of Huaxia New York Central Chinese School for the 2019-2020 academic year.

Bing Dang is the current PTA Chair. Over the past 3 years, Bing has been one of the most committed and dedicated volunteers at our school and has shown great leadership and dedication. The Board feels confident that Bing will be an effective Principal and the school will continue to grow under his leadership. The Board would like to thank Bing for his service and his willingness to lead the school.

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