2022-2023 文化课老师介绍 2022-2023 Culture Class Teacher Bios
现代美术 Amazing Art Ms. Helen Sanchez-Zhu
Come and experience art throughout the ages. In this art class you will learn about different artists’ drawings and paintings. Realism, Still Life, Impressionism, Abstract Art and more! Watercolors, crayons, pencils and pastels will be used.
Mrs. Helen Sanchez-Zhu has a BFA from SUNY Buffalo and MS from Fordham. She has taught both Art and ESL for over 30 years. Mrs. Sanchez-Zhu recently retired from the public schools of the Tarrytown where she taught ENL and was assistant to the principal. Mrs. Sanchez-Zhu is a painter and has had shows in New York, Connecticut and in Spain. Her family is from Spain where she travels to every summer. She holds art shows and also judges art shows for young children at local festivals. Mrs. Helen Sanchez-Zhu is well recognized as a creative artist and a passionate educator.
羽毛球大班 Badminton Sr. Wei-Chih Chien
A competitive and professionally trained badminton player, Mr. Chien is a very experienced player and coach.
国画书法大班 Brush Painting & Calligraphy Sr. 朱玲
国际象棋 Chess John Gallagher
John Gallagher is a N.Y.S. certified teacher who has taught Music at St. Augustine School in Ossining for over 25 years. John is an experienced chess coach, instructor, and also a seasoned tournament chess player. John has taught chess and hosted tournaments at many different schools, libraries, summer camps, community centers, after school programs, and privately throughout N.Y. and CT for almost 20 years.
粘土造型 Clay Studio Terry Taylor
Ms. Terry Taylor has taught at Huaxia for 8 years and her class is very popular among students. Ms. Taylor was a professional artist and children’s book illustrator with 11 published books. She has a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree. She has taught clay art over 1000 elementary students in grades K-5 over the years. Visit her web site at: http://www.terrytaylorstudio.com/
钩针编织大班 Crocheting Sr. 陈佳兰
陈佳兰擅长手工,期待和孩子们一起探索钩针编织,发展一项新的兴趣爱好。助教 Sophia Huang 有好几年的编织经验,制作过很多创意作品包括渔夫帽和拼色开衫。同学朋友老师们都知道Sophia非常擅于钩针编织。课程会提供一个愉快放松的课堂环境,学生们可以调节自己的进度,甚至在课外也继续这个爱好。
舞蹈小班 Dance Jr. 汪思多
The goal of this class is to nurture children’s appreciation for dance and music. In this class, your children will enjoy fun-filled dances which were choreographed to promote body coordination, balance, strength, flexibility.
Ms. Siduo Wang has been studying ballet for 7 years, and Flamenco for 3 years. She is excited to share her passion for dance with your children.
舞蹈大班 Dance Sr. 夏玫
Dance Sr. class combines basic techniques of Chinese folk dance with those of contemporary dance. This distinct style, developed by Teacher Xia, allows the children to express themselves fully. A graduate of Beijing Dance College, Ms. Mei Xia was a performer, choreographer and teacher with more than 15 years of professional experience. Her students received numerous awards including first prize in dance competitions at both national and local levels. Ms. Xia has been teaching dance at HXNYC since 2012. Her dance “Happy China Year” has been performed at many venues in the community.
辩论大班 Debate Sr. Robert W. Gordon
Robert W. Gordon, Esq., is the instructor for the Debate and Public Speaking class. He is a trial attorney for the City of New York. He holds a B.A. Degree in Philosophy from Morehouse College, and a Juris Doctor (law degree) from NYU School of Law. He practiced as a litigation attorney for over 10 years. Prior to becoming a lawyer, he taught kindergarten, elementary grades, and High School World History in the Westchester County public schools. He also lectured law at the University of Ulsan for one year in South Korea. In addition to his attorney responsibilities, he tutors and coaches high school students in debate and philosophy as well as adults in public speaking. He has also given lessons to Korean, Japanese, and Chinese adults in English as a second language.
In this class, Mr. Gordon will introduce the process of preparing for a debate, the purposes of debate, and various techniques to use to win debates. Skills introduced will include, forming arguments, research, organizing points for impact, attacking arguments, preparing for rebuttal arguments, and using authority and support for content. The public speaking portion of the class will focus on external presentation skills. Issues such as body language, volume, eye contact, hand gestures, verbal pauses, rhythm, pacing, dynamics, pronunciation, and pitch will be introduced and explained as needed. The goal is to have students comfortable in engaging in debate, do so effectively, and know that there are always at least two sides of an issue that should be explored.
Minimum age required for this class: Grade 6 or 11 years old
理财入门大班 Financial Literacy Sr. 郭清
Financial Literacy class is recommended for 6-12 grade. Subject will include basic Financial concepts – Banking, Debt/ Credit, Tax, Insurance; Budgeting; Financial Planning, Paying for College; Investment Basic.
Ms. Guo has a Master’s degree in Urban Planning. Ms. Guo has over 25 years of investment strategy and financial risk management experiences at some of America’s top investment firms. She is currently Vice President at Morgan Stanley Wealth Management.
Materials will be age appropriate and including a real time stock trading simulator for more interactive activities
围棋小班 Go Jr. 段川
段川9岁学棋,师从魏昕职业四段。 赢得合肥市青少年围棋比赛名次多次,包括1989年未来杯冠军和庐阳杯冠军。 1990年注册为安徽省业余三段,其后加入合肥业余体校围棋队, 并参加数次省级和国家级业余比赛,代表合肥市队取得第17届安徽省运会围棋团体第一名。
Chuan started receiving GO training from Xing Wei (4 dan professional) at the age of 9. He won several youth GO championships in Hefei City, including Future Cup and LuYang Cup, both in 1989. Chuan was registered as 3 dan amateur of Anhui Province in 1990. He then joined the Hefei municipal amateur GO team. Among provincial and national games he played, he won GO group 1st place in the 17th Province Game.
功夫小班/大班 Kung Fu Jr./Sr.
课程及老师信息请点击链接:Kung Fu Sifu Alex Lamas
吉他大班/打击乐器 Introduction to Guitar/ Introduction to Percussion Rob Renino
Both of these classes focus on giving students fluency in reading written forms of music and learning to participate in an ensemble.
Introduction to Guitar is for students aged 9 and older. The class will cover all aspects of technique necessary to begin mastering the instrument.
Introduction to Percussion is for students between the ages of 6 and 8 eager to learn about rhythms and drumming.
Robert Renino (Bass, Bass Guitar, Piano, Saxophone, Clarinet) is a freelance bassist and music teacher who has lived and worked in the NYC metro area for the past 25 years. He studied with jazz bassist Richard Davis, and also attended and graduated the Juilliard School of Music. After playing at resorts, hotels, and clubs, he began playing Broadway shows both as a substitute and a regular player. Bob has played in nearly fifty musicals in Broadway theatres and has held the “chair” in some hits such as “Ragtime”, “The Producers”, and the latest being “Honeymoon in Vegas”. He also performs with the New York Pops Orchestra, and the Hudson Valley Philharmonic. He has done much performing and recording work in NYC with many vocalists, and has also played on popular TV shows like “Good Morning America,” “Regis and Kelly” and “David Letterman.” He is currently married to singer/actress Sally Mayes and lives and teaches in Westchester County, NY.
Java 大班 Java Programming Sr. 屠端华
屠老师拥有中国社会科学院研究生院硕士学位和美国约翰霍普金斯大学经济学硕士学位和美国南佛州大学计算机博士candidate. 曾任IBM, JPMorgan Chase, Oracle 软件工程师和软件设计师。屠老师认为,计算机语言是人和计算机沟通的语言,是语言的精简。孩子们学习计算机语言有助于对自然语言的理解。
The students will learn how to program java AWT by designing buttons and text inside a window frame created by students. This course follows the learning by doing principle. It encourages students to practice java programming under some guidance but mostly through self-learning and practice of google-searching java online examples.
Mr. Duanhua Tu was a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at University of South Florida (1998-2000). He received Master Degree in Economics from Johns Hopkins University in 1990. He is a professional computer software engineer and architect and has more than 20 years of experience in computer software design and development. Mr. Tu worked for big IT companies such as IBM and Oracle and big bank such as JP Morgan & Chase in his career.
Minimum age required for this class: Grade 6 or 11 years old
Through the exploration of higher level math, students will learn the art of competition math. Students will study how to cope with an extremely time restricted environment, how to deal with problems they may have never encountered before, and most importantly the class will review each common mathematical topic in detail. Subjects covered in this course will contain common subjects from the MathCounts Competition and the AMC 8.
The class is designed to challenge middle school Grs. 6-8 students to develop strong math skills. Students who take this course will be encouraged to register with their home school to compete either as individuals or as part of their school’s’ team in the MathCounts team as well as AMC 8. Topics covered in the course include algebra, counting, probability, number theory and geometry.
倪轶龙老师拥有中国科大(University of Science and Technology of China)数学本科、硕士学位和Yale University 数学博士学位;有多年数学执教经验。曾经教过微积分,数学物理方法,微分方程等课程。
折纸/剪纸 Origami/Paper Cutting 杨丽达
In this class you will learn origami ranging from very easy ones to harder ones. You will not believe how a piece of paper can make magic! You will also learn paper cutting, which is one of the most popular folk arts in China. The Chinese make paper cutting for celebrating festivals and home decoration. Students who signed up for this class will explore the history and techniques of this beautifully intricate craft.
2002年,杨老师参加了Yonkers公共图书馆的艺术展。由于作品的巨大成功,2004年,杨老师被邀请与Yonkers公共图书馆共同主办三个艺术 展。Westchester艺术委员会为她参与了Westchester 2005年秋季艺术世界展给予杨老师奖励。如今,杨老师在Westchester教授美术。杨老师从来没有停止过艺术创作。
Mrs. Lida Y. Zimmerman, a native of Shanghai, China, studied under some of the most famous artists of China and was an art teacher for over 10 years in Shanghai. Before emigrating to US, Mrs. Zimmerman taught watercolor, pencil drawing, Chinese watercolor, and the ancient art of Paper Cutting. She published the book “How to Paint.”
She was also one of the chief editors of many art instructional books for elementary and middle schools in China. Her students have received national prizes for their works on many occasions.
She had her first American art exhibition at the Yonkers public library in 2002. Following the huge success at the Yonkers Public Library, Mrs. Zimmerman was invited back in 2004 to hold three additional exhibitions in Yonkers. In 2005, she was invited to participate in the “Worlds of Westchester 2005 Fall Folk Arts Showcase” at the Westchester Art Council. Eight pieces of her artwork were on display and 4 were sold on the first day of the show. In 2006 she had an exhibition of her students’ artworks called “Through Their Eyes: Artworks by Chinese American Youth” with the Westchester Art Council. The exhibition was featured on local TV and newspapers. Today, Mrs. Zimmerman continues to teach art in Westchester and is active in the art scene of Westchester.
美术 Painting Lily Liu
This class introduces painting, drawing, design, and much more for our little and young artists with different types drawing/painting material such as acrylic, watercolor, color pencil and more creative materials.
Classes begin with demonstrations of the exercises followed by one-on-one instruction. Students will also be given optional “homework” assignments that will expand on the material presented in class for those interested.
Mrs. Liu had been working and teaching arts for more than 10 years for children (5-16yrs). She is looking forward to working with our young creative artists together.
Lily Liu 老师在美加从事成人及儿童绘画教学,绘图设计20余年,政府及社区多项文艺活动的舞台设计,平面设计。 擅长运用多种绘画材料和多种绘画风格的教学,来提升学生艺术修养,挖掘艺术天赋。
Photography Sr. 高阶摄影课大班 Photography Sr. 许闯
许老师89年在上海同济建筑系毕业,来美后在Pratt Institute 室内设计专业深造,现在纽约WB Wood 公司担任创意总监。他从小喜欢摄影,可以说相机常年陪伴他走遍天下。他的课将由浅入深,从摄影常识介绍到专业摄影技巧,如风光和人像摄影,也会在教学中加入美术历史知识,组织室内外field trips,课堂作品讨论,让每个学生都成为摄影爱好者和实践者,丰富今后的生活和学习!
器具要求:每个学生要准备一台单反相机SLR Camera
Python 大班 Python Sr. 池澄
是一门零基础的初级python编程课。同学们将学习一些基本的编程思想,比如,如何定义变量函数和对象,如何做循环。同学们还会接触一些基本的数据结构和类型,比如字符串,列表 ,字典和元组。在这门课中,同学们会一边学习一边练习,通过课堂练习和课后作业的方式让同学们增强对这些概念的认知,享受编程的乐趣。
This is an entry level python class. In this class, students will learn basic concepts of coding: such as variables, functions, objects, and how to write a loop. Student will also learn basic data structures, such as string, list, dictionary, tuples. Students are expected to have a lot of hands-on experience, including classroom exercise and homework projects. Happy coding!
英文阅读与写作大班 Reading & Writing in English Sr. 王思博
This course in English reading and writing aims to help students gain insight and understanding of techniques and skills within the English language; to cultivate effective study strategies for improving English proficiency catered specifically to each student; and to obtain crucial, practical skills in reading and writing with life-long applications.
Sibo Wang graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in May of 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts in double majors: International Relations, and Music. With a vast amount of experience in English writing and public speaking, standardized exams such as the SAT, as well as having recently aced the GRE exam with outstanding scores, Sibo aims to share his expertise and guide other students to achieve success on their path to university education.
Minimum age required for this class: Grade 6 or 11 years old
Scratch 小班 Scratch Jr. 杨愈
Scratch is one of the most popular visual programming languages, especially targeted for children. The philosophy of Scratch, “Imagine, Program, Share”, encourages the sharing, reuse, and combination of code. Through Scratch, children learn how to express themselves with code.
Mr. Yang has worked in the IT industry for years on Software Programming and Architecture, especially on cloud technology.
新加坡数学挑战大班 Singapore Math Challenge Sr. 陈文盈 Erica Chen
Ms. Chen is currently a high school math teacher with more than fourteen years of teaching experience at public high schools. In addition, she was one of the outstanding STEM master teachers for Math for America (MfA) from 2014 to 2018. Ms. Chen has taught various math courses: Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Statistics, Pre-Calculus and SAT math. She is an expert in her content area, is a master in the craft of teaching, and has a deep understanding of her students.
Math is the most important subject because it supports the development of critical and logical thinking, and provides students an effective power to analyze, describe, and change things. Moreover, math can be applied in each aspect of life. The Singapore math method is a highly effective teaching approach originally developed by Singapore’s Ministry of Education in the 1980s for Singapore public schools. The model method of Singapore math is in which the students learn to represent the information of the problems with the number bonds, bar modeling and other visual tools to arrive at the method of the solution. Singapore Math Challenge will provide fourth to sixth grade students with skill-building practice based on the leading math program in the world, Singapore Math. Common Core Standards accelerate math expectations for all students, creating a need for challenging supplementary math practice. Singapore Math Challenge is the ideal solution, with problems, puzzles, and brainteasers that strengthen mathematical thinking. Sign up for my class to help your young learners to build a strong mathematical foundation and ongoing success for your children.
演讲大班 Speech Sr. 张岚
网球大班 Tennis Sr. Larry Chu
An active tennis player with over 30 years of experience as a USTA league player, Coach Chu is currently a tennis summer program coordinator at the renowned Chestnut Ridge Racquet Club. He has over 10 years of extensive coaching experience. He played on the 2015 Eastern Region Championship team of Chestnut Ridge. He also won 3 consecutive singles trophies at the Reader Digest Association Tennis League in the early 2000s. Coach Chu is experienced in coaching both children and adults.
瑜伽大班 Yoga for Kids Sr. 解雪梅
Do you love nature & animals? Do you want to boost your confidence and have positive self-image?
Do you want to find ways to release stress and cultivate your focus? If your answer is yes, then “Yoga for Kids” is right for you!
While you are practicing poses like cats, dogs, monkeys, eagles, trees, bridges, you strengthen your bodies and calm your minds. While you are dancing with your breaths, you cultivate awareness of mind and body connection. While you stay present and focused in challenging poses, you learn that how you handle the challenge on the mat is how you handle the challenges off the mat.
Ms. Xuemei Xie has been practicing yoga for over ten years, and has been leading Yoga Club for Parents for several years. She is excited to share her yoga experience with younger members of HXNYC community.