2019-2020 课程及老师信息

中文课今年增加了学前中班(二班)、马立平三年级(二班)和马立平九年级。文化课增添了手工小班、围棋小班、功夫小班、成语谜语大班、Python 大班、Software App大班和  Video Editing 大班。

点击此处阅览 2019-2020 所有课程
点击此处查看 2019-2020 中文老师简介
点击此处查看 2019-2020 新文化课介绍

We have added extra sections of PreK 4 and MLP Grade 3, MLP Grade 8 to our Chinese class offerings. We have added the following culture classes: Crafts Jr., Go Jr., Kung Fu Jr., Chinese Proverbs & Riddles Sr., Intro to Python Sr., Software App. Sr.and Vedio Editing+ Sr.

Click here for 2019-2020 Class List
Click here for Chinese Class Teacher Bios
Click here for 2019-2020 New Culture Classes