每年一度的中文演讲比赛预赛将于12/8/2019 在我校举行。预赛选拔出一至三年级每年级前三名学生。优胜者将代表我校参加华夏总校北区六所分校的决赛。决赛1/12/2020 在我校举行。CSL、K至三年级学生都可参赛。希望大家不要错过这个锻炼孩子演讲口才,提高中文水平的好机会。报名截止期:11/25/2019
The annual Huaxia Speech Contest is coming soon. The preliminary round of Huaxia Speech Contest will be held on 12/8/2019. The top three winners of each grade from G1 to G3 will represent our school in the final round of the Northern Region of HXCS on 1/12/2020. Sign-up deadline: 11/25/2019